Gallery 510 Art & Framing, An Illinois Art Gallery

08 Feb 2023

Gallery 510 is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit artist co-op, art gallery, and framing shop located in Decatur, Illinois. We have been serving the local community for more than 25 years providing opportunities for artists and art lovers; all the while enhancing, in our own way, the greater creative community in central Illinois. Every year, we offer students and local art teachers the ability to display their work in exhibits we call “Young Artists’ Showcase” and “Arts in Education”. We also put on the “October National” exhibit later in the year, showing artwork by artists all over the country.
Gallery 510 takes pride in providing these and more opportunities to the local creative community. Our mission statement is as follows:

  • To promote the visual fine arts as a public service,

  • To act as an educational and cultural resource, and

  • To serve as a venue for professional and emerging artists